High5 Vetted Talent: An Introduction, At a Critical Moment in Time

If you’ve never heard of High5 Vetted Talent, it’s time you have. Not only can vetted talent be a considerable time and cost savings, but as a busy hiring manager, you’ll have the confidence knowing when a resume comes across your desk, they are qualified and ready to make an impact.

Simply put, High5 Vetted Talent is talent that has been vetted and curated by experts. Vetted talent has gone through a thorough screening, interviewing, and skills assessment process by experienced subject matter experts before they are submitted for a role. But there has never been a way to deliver vetted talent for all types of work on a global scale. Until now.

Historically, traditional recruiting performed by staffing firms favored volume over quality. Assessing the skill competency and role fit of tech talent was nothing more than a short conversation about a specific role with a recruiter who had little expertise on the skill sets necessary to perform that role successfully. There was limited accountability for the candidate experience, and relationships often felt impersonal, transaction-based, and reactive. This often resulted in bad hires, retention issues, wasted time and money, and an overall negative experience for all involved.

Open talent platforms like Upwork have great access to talent but don’t provide meaningful resources or methods to assess and evaluate talent quality and skill. They provide no curation at all. Closed platforms like Toptal do a decent job of curating quality talent, but because they’re a closed platform, don’t have the access to the diversity of talent required to fill anything other than remote, IT roles.

Job boards are deluged by unvetted applicants, and talent that is high-quality are demanding a more personalized and human experience than simply applying to jobs on boards like LinkedIn and Indeed and entering into the, “Thank you for your application” black hole.

In every industry, organizations are going through digital transformations and relying on technology like never before. Tech talent is in higher demand globally, but there hasn’t been an objective way to vet talent for any job, with any skill, and in any location, at scale.

This lack of access to global vetted talent and curation at scale, combined with the flexibility to fill ALL forms of work through one resource, results in a massive drain on internal stakeholders. It also creates a prolonged process for finding, vetting, and employing quality talent, higher turnover, wasted time and money, project delays, product delays, and digital transformation delays — the list goes on and on.

Because curating and vetting talent has been ineffective, the single point of failure unfortunately lies with the hiring manager. They are left to weed through dozens of resumes and are the first and last line of defense in determining whether the talent is qualified and have the requisite skills to do the job. A job in many cases, because of the speed at which technology is accelerating, they have not done themselves. Their ability to assess new tech skills is limited, which leaves room for a bad hire.

Why does curation and vetted talent matter?

The competition for top talent remains one of the most challenging for organizations to get right. The demand for tech talent in almost all industry sectors exceeds available talent in the market. Curation of talent not only means continuously cultivating a larger, broader pool for quality talent, but taking care of those in your pipeline as well. This allows you to hand-select the best talent from the talent pool when a role becomes available.

Organizations are looking for more innovative talent strategies than traditional staffing suppliers can provide. VMS/MSP partners are looking for — and are dependent upon — these suppliers to provide the innovation, quality, ROI, and speed-to-hire that simply isn’t there. Sourcing talent directly through highly vetted and curated channels is becoming increasingly necessary as organizations partner with work enablement platforms that take the guesswork out of hiring — be it full-time, contingent, SOW, remote, onsite, or off.

How Leveraging High5 Vetted Talent Can Impact You

Here are the core components of expert-vetted, curated talent that bring immediate value to an organization:

1-Quality of Talent

If you’re used to seeing 10+ resumes for every open position, you know what a waste of time and resources it is. We’re talking about dozens of hours spent in interviews. The lack of vetting in traditional screening processes puts the onus on the hiring manager to do the heavy lifting with limited time to devote.

High5 Vetted Talent means you’re getting the best quality resources into your global talent supply chain. It means talent is interviewed by an objective subject matter expert (SME) about a given skill set. This includes tech assessment, scoring, ranking, video recorded two-way interview, and a write-up that a hiring manager receives to make a more informed decision. At High5, we have over 18,000 SMEs across 1,000+ skillsets powered by a talent delivery team of 1500 recruiters.

High5 Vetted Talent means 2-3 resumes per opening, cutting 70% of the screening time out of the selection process. It provides the confidence of knowing they are the right fit — both in experience and brand. High5 Vetted Talent is truly qualified has a faster impact on internal projects and deliverables, which means you get more quality work done, faster.

2-Talent engagement

Engaging with prospective talent is critical. Employers must engage and communicate with them in ways they want, when they want. This means building personal relationships, making sure they have the information they need in all parts of the hiring process, and that they feel connected to both a role and a company’s brand.

Talent doesn’t want to feel like their resume ended up in a black hole. Constant, ongoing communication about where an organization is in its hiring process, relevant company news, and immediate feedback on interviews keep talent happy and invested in you.

3-Speed & Flexibility

At High5, our global talent delivery team “follows the sun” — sourcing, screening, and vetting talent 24 x 7 x 365. We combine our technology with the most comprehensive suite of services that allow you to engage with talent however you want, wherever you want. From full-time to part-time, contract, contract-to-hire, SOW, on-site or remote, from gig-work to big work — it all gets done with High5.

At High5, we’ve invested heavily in an innovative and thorough curation and vetting process that benefits all parties. To that end, this will be the first in a three-part Playbook Series committed to providing organizations with detailed information about High5 Vetted Talent, choosing a curation partner, and the future of talent. We look forward to partnering with you through the process.

If you want to learn more about High5’s global work enablement platform and learn how we find, vet, and curate talent, please visit high5hire.com.

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